
This year’s VBS and youth celebration will be held June 10th -June 12th


Mark your Calendars early for the VBS BBQ Fundraiser set for May 19th from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Drive thru “to go” plates available. Proceeds from this event help pay for activities such as crafts, snacks, and music for each child.


The annual Postal Workers food drive will take place Saturday, May 11th.


No Potluck for the month of May!


Ascension Sunday is May 12.


If you wish to join our congregation, please speak to Dr. Jim or one of the elders following worship.


The Presbyterian Women encourage you to join their text group! If you would like to be notified of upcoming events involving the PW please call Linda at the church office (336-3346) and give her your number. You will also need to download the app called Whatsapp. If you need help with that you can also as Natalie Kincaid (719-331-3713), SuSu Dyess (940-3801) or the church office.

 The Session is doing some much-needed renovations. We have finished wood repairs and new metal roofs on each building. Please give generously.


Youth Group continues to meet Wednesday’s at 7pm


Are we seeing new folks in town, at work, in the schools? Please invite them to worship.  

Please help us keep our facility secure. Make sure all doors are locked including deadbolts, lights off, and thermostats set to Heat 60 when you leave.